About me

Zlatan Kopic Portrait

My name is Zlatan Kopic
and I am
Full-Stack Web Developer. from Berlin Germany

This is what I enjoy doing:

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Skills Years of Experience Level of Expertise
HTML 2 Advanced
CSS 2 Advanced
JavaScript 1 Advanced
Graphic design 3 Advanced
IT administration 3 Advanced

How I became a web developer

Everything you need to know about my path.

It all started in the summer of 2016.

I was in IT network system administration and I didn’t know quite much about Graphic or Web design.

Later, after becoming a certified Graphic designer, I put my thoughts into some topics about front-end development, like “What is HTML/CSS/JavaScript?”, “What is Front-End development?

Web design course with "ITAcademy" opened the door of a new world to me.

JavaScript and coding get my attention and I have decided to jump from beginner developer to junior developer quickly some of the magic of boot camps and in my case that was CareerFoundry.

Writing a code and knowing exactly what every single line of code does feels so right.

How I learned to play guitar

"The practice of front-end and back-end development is similar to playing the guitar: it's easy to learn but takes a lot of work to master".

Guitar is hard to learn in the beginning, but gets easier the longer you stick with it. The more you practice, the easier guitar will feel to play.