This is a selection of my projects as a web developer. Most of them are study projects, created during the Fullstack Webdeveloper course @CareerFoundry.
For the study projects I also worked with Kanban boards, user stories, user flows and architectural diagrams.
More details about the features, technologies, etc. of each project can be found in the respective readme file on GitHub.
This started as a static website to learn HTML and CSS, but turned into a full grown portfolio website.
For practice reasons I chose to refrain from rebuilding it using librarys or build tools, so every line of code here is hand-written.
This app displays events in different cities which are fetched from Google Calendar API.
The study goal was to learn about PWAs, test-driven-development (TDD), serverless functions, OAuth (a mechanism to log into an app with your google account), performance monitoring and how to draw pretty charts.
PWA (progressive web application) means it is responsive, available offline, cross-platform and can be added to the home screen.
Built with CRA (CreatReactApp), following the TDD (test driven development) approach.
Main technologies used: React, CSS, serverless (AWS lambda), OAuth (Google Cloud Console), Axios, Recharts, Jest (Enzyme, Cucumber, Puppeteer), Atatus (performance monitoring)
myFlix is a library of movements from various styles and traditions, with descriptions/cues and video sources.
For the myFlix study project I created an API including a non-relational database, as well as two different frontend clients (Angular and React).
This is the Angular client - A single-page, responsive web application (SPA), using Material design.
Main technologies used: TypeScript, Angular, Angular-Material, CSS, TypeDoc for documentation, hosting on GitHub-pages.
This is the React-based frontend - A single-page, responsive web application (SPA), built with React (including a number of additional modules), following the MVC design pattern.
For general info about myFlix see the Angular client.
Basic features: see Angular client. The React version additionally has thorough form validation and a search function.
Main technologies used: JavaScript, React, React Bootstrap, React Redux, Axios, Parcel, PropTypes, Netlify hosting.
A chat app for mobile devices (Android and iOS) created with React Native.
The study goals here were to learn how to develop and test cross-platform native apps.
Main technologies used: JavaScript, React Native, Android Studio, Expo, Google Firebase.
An app to show a list of Pokemon from a public API.
The study goals were to learn DOM manipulation with JavaScript, jQuery, styling with Bootstrap, and code optimization with linters and minfiers.